The History of Linen Care

Linen is one of the oldest known textile fibers in the world. Historical sources suggest that linen fiber clothing was already being made around 5000 B.C. by ancient civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and China. Linen products were valued for their durability, freshness, and hygiene. However, caring for them required significant effort. In ancient times, linen fabrics had to be washed by hand in rivers or lakes, dried in the sun, and bleached on grass.
In later centuries, the advent of the first washing machines and chemical bleaches made linen care easier. However, traditional methods of caring for linen products have persisted to this day. Linen fabrics and products are valued for their naturalness, durability, and unique beauty. Proper care includes washing, drying, storing, and stain removal. By following these simple rules, linen products can serve you for many years.

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